think with an M.A. in English Lit with a
concentration in Medieval/Renaissance Lit, and a minor in Psychology,
I'd write Medieval/Renaissance romances or mysteries or some such, but I
actually write a little bit of everything: sweet romance, children's fiction (picture books, middle grade and YA novels), and women's and mainstream novels. And screenplays.I'm a member of SCBWI.
I also write the occasional essay, several of which have been published, one in Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Resolution, and two Patchwork Path anthologies, Treasure Box, and Christmas Stocking.
I've had multiple micro fictions published in The Binnacle: University of Maine, as a result of the Ultra Short Competition; a flash story on WOW! Women on Writing; and a short story in Best Short Stories from The Saturday Evening Post 2015. Plus, three picture book manuscripts have garnered honorable mentions in the annual Writer's Digest contests.
And I've developed a bunch of journals and guestbooks. Just check out the side bars for links. Descriptions are on the Lulu and Amazon pages with all the books. (More coming.)
I also used to write personalized letters from Santa, and you can find some I've posted over on my An Enchanted Letter site. Over at An Enchanted Holiday, which grew out of the letters, you'll find free holiday printables and clipart. Can you tell I love holidays? :)
Thanks for stopping by. I plan to add to the list of writing resources as I go.
About me
Donna L. Turello earned her M.A. in English Lit, and is a writer. She's been
published in Best Short Stories from the Saturday Evening Post 2015; The
Binnacle: University of Maine; Wow! Women on Writing; Chicken Soup for the
Soul: My Resolutions; Patchwork Path: Treasure Box; and Patchwork Path:
Christmas Stocking.
Copyright 2014-2018 All rights reserved
Donna L. Turello
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